My Top 10 Travel Tips...
I left to backpack around South East Asia in January 2018. I was travelling for just over 4 months and it was the best 4 months of my life, with out sounding too cheesy (I hate cheesiness, it makes me cringe) it changes your out look on life so much!
This was my first backpacking experience and I know before I went I would search the internet high and low for any tips and advice before I left for my adventure. So here is my top ten travel tips...
1. Don't take yourself too serious/Don't sweat the small stuff.
Don't sweat about the stuff that you can't control! Just try and enjoy the moment. Missed your boat to the next island? Yes we could get really angry and start stressing out, but life is too short! Spend longer on the island your on, catch the later boat! At the end of the day this will all add to your adventure
2. Live in the moment!
Live in the moment. A bit similar to number 1, don't take yourself too serious. I can guarantee on your travels there is going to be a few times you make a fool of yourself. Instead of cringing at yourself, learn to laugh at yourself and laugh it off! Also Live in the moment a few times while your away make sure you put that phone away and just take in that Sunset/Sunrise in front of you!
3. Get up extra early... sometimes.
Rise at Sunrise! Not only to view some of the most amazing sky's you will ever set your eyes on! Seriously my first one was in Thailand, just beautiful. Getting up extra early is totally worth it because you will also beat the crowds to some of the famous Instagram spots. I done this with Phi Phi's Maya Bay. Totally worth the 5 am wake up call.
4. Talk and get to know the locals.
People enrich your travels more than sights do! This is such an important thing to remember and it is also okay to avoid travellers from time to time. Get to know the locals, basic English is known pretty much everywhere so it is a lot easier than you think. Locals know the most about their country, best sights and what I learnt in the Philippines they also know the BEST food spots.
5. Don't worry about looking like a tourist- take lots of photos.
Photos cost nothing guys! Most likely on your trip your'e not going to see these sights or people again or any time soon. So take as many pictures as you like, who cares if you look like a tourist. Photos are the best souvenir you could ask for. With this in mind make sure you have back up SD cards guys!!
6. Everything happens for a reason.
Right this one is quite similar to not stressing about the small things. BUT everything does happen for a reason just go day by day and have the attitude of "What happens, happens". When I was in South East Asia we were meant to spend 2 weeks in Cambodia but unfortunately didn't get in the country (i'll save this story for a different day!) We could have moaned about it but instead booked the next flight to Thailand and spent 2 weeks in Thailand stuffing our faces with Pad Thai!
7. Treat yourself now and then.
Now when travelling/backpacking don't let me get you confused a budget is necessary to make sure you don't blow all your money in one country. However, it is very important if you feel like you want to eat at a restaurant and have a break from street food DO IT! It's a healthy thing to do so book that nice hotel, eat that expensive food! Happiness always comes first. Make sure when saving money for travelling you take this into consideration!
8. Eat Local Food.
Talking about food (my favourite subject) the street food you will find in Asia will be some of the best food you will ever eat! It is so so cheap as well we were paying $1 for Pad Thai in Bangkok and it was the best god damn Pad Thai I have ever eaten. If you're worried about getting sick off street food in Asia, I was sick only once when travelling and it was off fish which I ordered at a restaurant! With street food you literally see them cooking your food in front of you. So I would say dont worry and inhale that Pad Thai.
9. Travel Diary.
While travelling around South East Asia I wrote in my diary pretty much every day just writing down what I done that day, who I met and what weird and wonderful things happened that day. Honestly it was my best idea, I now have my own little adventure book I can always read and look back on so many memories!
10. Last but not least. Don't plan too much!
My final tip and probably the hardest one I found to deal with. Now I am a planner I love every part of planning travels! I have lists for lists. So relaxing and just not planning out our next move every day, I did find difficult. Once you're used to it, it's one of the best parts of travelling you just don't know where you're going to end up the next day!
Honestly since I have been back so many people have told me how lucky I am to have been able to travel the places I have and experienced the things I have. The truth? I'm not lucky I made it happen I stepped outside of my comfort zone and booked the flights. Anyone can do it and anyone can travel, there is always a way! I will be doing a separate blog post about this as well.